
How do you manage to have very lively sites running faster than my WordPress?!
This is the question asked by one of our clients.
⏱️ It's a fact, some users are very sensitive to the performance (loading speed, fluidity of the site in general, etc.) of websites and notice on some of our work that despite the presence of animations or micro- interactions, these sites load faster than a simple WordPress site.
How it is possible ? Thanks to the #JAMStack!

What is JAMStack?
It is the acronym (Javascript API Markup) of a “technology stack” (stack) which makes it possible to build static sites, that is to say sites where the pages displayed are the same for all visitors.
Attention, “static” does not prevent having animations or being able to manage its content in a CMS!
Benefits ? A static site is fast, has a low hosting cost and is more secure (the site only consists of several HTML files, the APIs being served by the CDN that hosts the site) 💯
Your site is therefore faster, more economical in server resources and therefore more ecological than a "classic" site.

Which programming languages should I use?
Our preferences ❤️ at Blacksmith:
- React.js (created/maintained by Facebook) in Javascript
- the CMS Headless Strapi (which we are lucky to count among our partners) to create the Rest API
- Next.js to generate static HTM pages (the "Markup")
Then, you will just need to add:
- a CI/CD pipeline to generate a new site version with each code modification or content change from the CMS, on our side we like the Github version
- hosting via a CDN, at Blacksmith we mainly use #Vercel or #AWS Amplify
More info on the JAMStack here: and you can contact us at for your JAMStack site projects;