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-30% on innovation expenses with this Tax Credit!

Jean-François Arnaud
Jean-François ArnaudCEO of Blacksmith

-30% on your innovation expenses!

Created in 2013 to support innovative companies in France (especially SMEs), and encourage them to invest in innovation and research and development (via the Research Tax Credit), the Credit d'Impot Innovation (CII) is a tax system that allows to recover up to 30% (since 20% before and 30% since 2023) of its innovation expenses.

SMEs can recover up to 30% of the innovation expenses incurred by the company, which are themselves capped at €400,000.

The expenditure cap concerns all expenditure incurred regardless of the number of prototypes or pilot installations produced.

The CII (like the CIR) is a right, and the company can recover this amount on simple request via the Cerfa N° 2069-A-SD form.

Under certain conditions, SMEs can benefit from early repayment of their CII.

The expenses accounted for can be made:

- internally, if the company employs staff working directly on its innovation activities, this may concern profiles of project manager, web and mobile developer, DevOps, fullstack developer, cloud architects, UX/UI designer, Artistic Director...

- externally, if the company works with service providers (web agencies, start-up studios, freelancers, consultants, etc.) with CII approval.

As CII-approved web agency, Blacksmith allows its customers to recover 30% of the amount excluding VAT of its invoices on innovation projects each year.

-30% on your innovation expenses!

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